Finland Prepares Its National Programme For Radwaste Management

As required by the Directive on management of used fuel and radioactive waste (2011/70/Euratom), Finland is currently formulating its National Programme for used fuel and radioactive waste management, as well as a report on the environmental impacts of the programme.

Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Stuk) published a draft of them last 5th August, calling for comments from authorities, operators in the sector, citizens and communities by 10 September.

The national programme is a comprehensive plan aimed at ensuring that all used fuel and radioactive waste generated in Finland is managed safely. It includes general objectives, principles, amounts and locations of used fuel and radioactive waste management as well as an estimate of the costs and schedule.

Moreover, the environmental impact assessment aims to take better account of environmental impacts when preparing and approving the national programme, to promote sustainable development, and to improve the public’s access to information and their opportunities for participation.

Read the full story on Nuclear Engineering International.

Radioactive waste includes all types of waste that are radioactive. They need to be treated and stored and handled with the necessary security.

There are different kinds of waste types, with different levels of radioactivity, and they are all differently treated.

Learn more about nuclear waste on ENS Nuclear Basics.