Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana

The Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian research organisation. It is responsible for a broad spectrum of basic and applied research in the fields of natural sciences and technology. The staffs of around 850 specialize in research in physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear technology, energy utilization and environmental science.

Their research in the domain of reactor physics is directed mostly towards development of new methods for research and power reactor calculations. The Institute works on neutron, photon and electron Monte Carlo transport, nuclear data evaluation, advanced nodal methods, pin cell and fuel element homogenisation and on methods aimed at precise power distribution reconstruction.

It has two locations: the main facilities and headquarters are in Ljubljana, and there is also the Institute’s Reactor Centre Podgorica in Dol.

Institute Jožef Stefan’s Reactor Centre Podgorica

Reactor Centre near Podgorica village was built by Jozef Stefan Institute in 1966. The reactor was delivered by General Atomics. There are four research sections of the Institute and several centers at the Reactor Center in Podgorica.

The Division of Low and Medium Energy Physics carries out research in atomic and nuclear physics and is also involved in the radiological protection of the environment, notably the control of the operation of nuclear facilities and the control of the content of radioactive substances in food and the environment. An ecological laboratory with a mobile unit also operates in this context. The main areas of work of the Reactor Physics Division are theoretical, experimental and applied reactor physics, plasma physics, nucleus fragmentation, neutron dosimetry, neutron radiography, semiconductor element physics, and oncology. The Department of Reactor Engineering conducts research in the field of nuclear engineering and safety, which includes modeling of basic thermohydrodynamic phenomena, thermohydraulic safety analysis of design and serious accidents, strength safety analysis and probabilistic safety analysis.