ENS Elects Prof. Leon Cizelj As New President

On 10 December the ENS General Assembly elected Prof. Leon Cizelj as the new President of the European Nuclear Society (ENS).

Prof. Cizelj will assume his duties as ENS President on 1st January 2022, replacing incumbent President Prof. Emilio Minguez Torres.

Leon Cizelj is Professor in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, and Head of the Reactor Engineering Department at the Jozef Stefan Institute, both in Slovenia. As teaching professor, he actively contributes to the knowledge transfer between generations and strongly advocates for attractiveness of nuclear science and technology. In his recent activities under the i.a. ENEN+ project he managed mobility funds for excellent researchers and students.

With Professor Leon Cizelj at the helm, we are looking forward to further strengthening the connection of senior and young professionals within the ENS.



“The world is resting on the shoulders of next generations and we need as nuclear sector enable it”, Prof. Cizelj said at NESTet2021, adding that the new talents in the nuclear field “must be prepared to work in multidisciplinary context and highly competitive environment in the future”.