IAEA Opens A New Nuclear Security Training Centre

On 3rd October, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) opened a new nuclear security training centre, the first international facility of its type, to support the growing efforts to tackle global nuclear terrorism.

The centre will provide specialised technical infrastructure and equipment for course participants to learn about the physical protection of nuclear and other radioactive material, as well as detection and response to criminal acts involving nuclear material and facilities.

The international nuclear security centre of excellence is where experts on nuclear security and the physical protection of nuclear material from all over the world will be trained to hone their skills.

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said.

As IAEA explained, the new centre contains simulated environments, virtual reality tools and advanced software. It will provide hands-on practice on nuclear security systems for the physical protection of nuclear facilities, information and computer security, nuclear forensics, major public events and other nuclear security areas of work.

The centre will welcome the first trainees next week for a course on security management of radioactive material, one of the 23 training courses and workshops to be offered.

Read the full IAEA Press Release.

The IAEA is one of the key players that helps policymakers and experts worldwide to improve nuclear security, manage radioactive sources and combat proliferation. There are strict rules and measures on national and international levels to prevent radioactive material from falling into the wrong hands.

Read more on nuclear security and safety on ENS Nuclear Basics.