Nuclear for Climate @COP28 – Delivery Team Application

Nuclear for Climate (N4C) is appointing a Delivery Team of youth volunteers from across the globe to plan and implement a year-long N4C campaign and a packed 2-week agenda for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP).

This year, COP28 will be held in the United Arab Emirates from 30th November – 12th December 2023.

As a grassroots initiative, Nuclear for Climate relies on individuals to spread the cause. Do you want to join the Nuclear for Climate initiative? Are you keen to be a nuclear climate hero? Then join our team of volunteers!

Register and participate in this open session, where COP28 N4C Co-Leads Hannah Fenwick and Veeshesh Sunassy will present Nuclear for Climate and what the Delivery Team roles entail.

Deadline for Applications: 15th February 2023