small modular reactors

ENS High Scientific Council’s Statement on Small Modular Reactors

European Nuclear Society High Scientific Council’s Statement on Small Modular Reactors Today’s European Union Declaration on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) marks an important step towards the decarbonised and autonomous Europe. Climate change is a tremendous threat to human well-being and our societies. The ever-more alarming messages on anthropogenic climate change, as expressed by the IPCC,…


Vattenfall Exploring Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production At Ringhals

Vattenfall Exploring Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production At Ringhals Vattenfall (ENS Corporate Member) has decided to start a new project to produce clean hydrogen using electricity generated from offshore wind and nuclear. The Swedish company said it has received permission from the national grid regulator Svenska kraftnät to proceed with the deployment of the 1.2 GW Kattegatt…

Westinghouse Fortum

Westinghouse And Fortum Evaluate New Nuclear Projects

Westinghouse And Fortum Evaluate New Nuclear Projects Westinghouse Electric Company (ENS Corporate Member) and Fortum announced the signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to study the possibilities for the development and deployment of AP1000 and AP300 reactor projects in Finland and Sweden. The MOUs establish a framework of collaboration for detailed technical and commercial discussions…

CEA and newcleo to Partner On Generation IV Reactors

CEA and newcleo to Partner On Generation IV Reactors CEA, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (ENS Corporate Member) and newcleo, a European nuclear technology developer, signed a partnership agreement to jointly explore Generation IV reactor technologies. In particular, this collaboration focuses on the realisation of newcleo’s LFR project and covers areas like…

Lead-cooled SMRs - Ph. SCK CEN

A New Consortium For Deploying Lead-Cooled SMRs

A New Consortium For Deploying Lead-Cooled SMRs On 8 November, five companies leading research and innovation in heavy liquid metal technology joined forces to boost the implementation and the industrial deployment of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) using Lead Fast Reactor Technology. Ansaldo Nucleare, SCK CEN, Westinghouse (ENS Corporate Members), ENEA and RATEN-ICN signed a Memorandum…