Over 100 Societies and NGOs Support “Net Zero Needs Nuclear”

Over 100 Societies and NGOs Support “Net Zero Needs Nuclear” Nuclear for Climate is a grassroots initiative gathering nuclear professionals and scientists from over 150 associations with the goal of opening a dialogue with policymakers and the public about the necessity of including nuclear energy among the carbon-free solutions to climate change. In 2021 the ‘Net Zero Needs Nuclear’…


Westinghouse Joins IAEA Nuclear Saves Partnerships

Westinghouse Joins IAEA Nuclear Saves Partnerships Westinghouse Electric Company is joining the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s “Nuclear Saves Partnerships”, a new initiative designed to mitigate the impacts of climate change via investment in nuclear power technology, renewable integrated energy systems and climate smart agriculture, among others. I am keen to ensure that the IAEA,…

IPCC 6th Assessment Report – Climate Change 2021 Is Out

IPCC 6th Assessment Report – Climate Change 2021 Is Out The IPCC VI Assessment Report “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis” is now released. The Working Group I contribution to the VI Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate…


UNECE: No Climate Goals Will Be Met Without Nuclear Power

UNECE: No Climate Goals Will Be Met Without Nuclear Power United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) last report is unmistakable: “International climate objectives will not be met if nuclear power is excluded”. The new technology brief from UNECE highlights the potential of nuclear power as part of a broader portfolio alongside deploying other sustainable…

Romania To Double Its Nuclear Supply By Next Decade

Romania To Double Its Nuclear Supply By Next Decade The Romanian government has adopted the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate Change, which calls for two new CANDU reactors at Cernavoda by 2031 and the refurbishment of an existing unit there in 2037. This decision would double the country’s nuclear power supply in a decade.…