PSI Investigates For Suitable Swiss Deep Geological Repository

PSI Investigates For Suitable Swiss Deep Geological Repository Switzerland is planning to construct a deep geological repository for its radioactive waste by 2050. Three sites are currently under consideration and researchers at Paul Scherrer Institute are providing data that will help in determining which is most suitable. The search for suitable locations is being conducted…

nuclear medicine cooperation

PSI New Method For Complex X-ray Studies Of Correlated Metals

PSI New Method For Complex X-ray Studies Of Correlated Metals Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), working in an international team, have developed a new method for complex X-ray studies that will aid in better understanding so-called correlated metals. These materials could prove useful for practical applications in…

nuclear medicine cooperation

The New PSI Pharmaceutical Laboratory Is Ready For Production

The New PSI Pharmaceutical Laboratory Is Ready For Production Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, ENS Corporate Member) announced that its new pharmaceutical laboratory for the manufacture of radiopharmaceuticals is ready for production, accordingly to the operating licence granted by the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic). For more than 20 years, in collaboration with ETH Zurich,…

PSI Leads New Research To Fight Metastatic Prostate Cancer

PSI Leads New Research To Fight Metastatic Prostate Cancer Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (ENS Corporate Member, PSI) are developing a new drug that could increase the survival chances of patients with metastatic prostate cancer. The drug, studied by a research consortium involving PSI, the University Hospital Basel and ETH Zurich, is now being…

nuclear medicine supply chain production

PSI Developed A New Promising Radiopharmaceutical Successfully Tested

PSI Developed A New Promising Radiopharmaceutical Successfully Tested A promising radiopharmaceutical against metastatic neuroendocrine tumours has been successfully tested for the first time in patients at the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. The new radionuclide terbium-161 was developed at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, ENS Corporate Member).  This isotope has the property that when the radioisotope…