Vattenfall: “Nuclear Is Among The Keys To Supporting The Energy Transition”

Vattenfall: “Nuclear Is Among The Keys To Supporting The Energy Transition” Swedish company Vattenfall, ENS Corporate Member, recently published its Annual and Sustainability Report 2020. Overviewing the last year’s activities in the nuclear sector, Vattenfall highlights remarkable progress and investments, aiming to keep the nuclear power at the core of the Swedish electricity system. Indeed,…

Framatome To Support Long-Term Operation of the Dominion Energy Nuclear Fleet

Framatome To Support Long-Term Operation of the Dominion Energy Nuclear Fleet Framatome, ENS Corporate Member, recently signed a contract with Dominion Energy to support the long-term operation of the US company’s nuclear fleet. This contract covers nuclear plant outage and maintenance work, including fleet steam generator services, refuel services, and inspections through 2026. Framatome’s expert…

Teplator, A Revolutionary Nuclear District Heating System

Teplator, A Revolutionary Nuclear District Heating System Researchers at the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen have come up with an innovative solution: the Teplator. The Teplator is a system that uses the radioactive decay heat produced by spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors to heat water. The team,…


Estonia To Evaluate The Introduction Of Nuclear Energy

Estonia To Evaluate The Introduction Of Nuclear Energy The Estonian government formally approved the formation of a Nuclear Energy Working Group (NEPIO), tasked with analyzing the possibility of introducing nuclear energy in Estonia. NEPIO, headed by the Estonian Minister of the Environment, Tõnis Mölder, will present its conclusions and proposals to the government by September…

New IAEA Publications On Research Reactors Available

New IAEA Publications On Research Reactors Available The International Atomic Energy Agency published online two new publications on research reactors, namely “Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems for New and Existing Research Reactors” and “Impact of Fuel Density on Performance and Economy of Research Reactors”. “Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems for New and Existing Research Reactors” …